
首页- 师资队伍- 校内教师- 按姓氏- L



1. 北京市教委-市自然基金委联合资助项目:城市桥梁 GB-SAR 多层次动挠度精度提升和损伤探测技术研究(22JH0011),在研,主持(2023.01-2025.12)
2. 北京建筑大学建大杰青项目:地基SAR城市桥梁动挠度高精度监测与损伤探测研究(JDJQ20220804),在研,主持(2022.10-2024.09)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:GB-SAR城市桥梁安全评估大气参数优化改正和信号降噪理论与方法(41871367),在研,主持(2019.01-2022.12)
4. 国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项课题:强震地震动模拟与空间化信息集成技术合作研发与应用示范,在研,主持(2019.12-2022.11)
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:高速立体视频测量大型建筑物模型振动台试验健康检测关键技术(41501494),结题,主持(2016.01-2018.12)
6. 北京市青年拔尖人才培育计划:地基干涉雷达测量城市桥梁动态监测关键技术研究(CIT&TCD201704053),结题,主持(2017.01-2019.12)
7. 住建部科技计划项目:非接触式桥梁智能监测与安全评估研究(2017-K4-002),在研,主持,(2017.01-2019.12)
8. 北京市教委科技一般项目:GBSAR城市桥梁监测信号降噪与安全评估理论与方法研究(KM201910016005),结题,主持(2019.01-2021.12)
9. 北京市委组织部青年骨干人才项目:地面微波干涉测量在高速铁路桥梁动挠度检测中的应用研究(20140000204400001),结题,主持(2014.01-2016.12)
10. 北京建筑大学建大英才项目:地基干涉雷达铁路桥梁动态形变监测方法研究(ZF14054),在研,主持(2017.01-2019.12)
11. 北京市教委市属高校创新能力提升计划项目:基于多源传感器技术的建筑与结构自动测量及转化,结题,参与(2016.01-2018.12)
12. 北京建筑大学博士启动基金:结构连续倒塌非接触式高速视频测量关键技术研究(00331614022),结题,主持(2014-2016)
13. 国家测绘地理信息局“现代城市测绘重点实验室”开放项目:视频序列椭圆形人工目标点快速识别与跟踪研究(20131203NY),结题,主持(2013-2015)
1. Liu X, Jia Z, Zhang P, et al. EET-Hamming monocular high-speed measurement for long-span bridge structure displacement on a shaking table[J]. Measurement, 2023: 112591.
2. Liu X, Zhang, P, Jia Z, Chen Y, Li S, Wang R. High-Speed Videogrammetry for Seismic Performance of the Spherical Reticulated Shell Structure on the Shaking Table. Buildings, 2023, 13: 553.
3. Chen Y, Liu X, Lyu S, Wu W, Wang R. Method of Hidden Strip Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Images of Ancient Paintings[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2022, 34, 12(2022): 4463-4477.
4. Liu X, Zhao S, Wang P, Wang R, Huang M. Improved Data-Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification with Autocorrelation Matrix Modal Order Estimation for Bridge Modal Parameter Extraction Using GB-SAR Data[J]. Buildings, 2022, 12(2): 253.
5. Liu X, Zhao S, Wang R. ESMD-WSST High-Frequency De-Noising Method for Bridge Dynamic Deflection Using GB-SAR[J]. Electronics, 2023, 12(1): 54.
6. Wang R, Liu Y, Liu X. Feature Selection Method for Open-pit Mine Land Cover Classification Based on Multi-feature Set Using Sentinel-2[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2022, 34, 11(2022): 4017-4028.
7. Wang R, Huang Y, Liu X, Wang H, Jiang M. Cyclically Shifted Extreme-point Symmetric Mode Decomposition (CS-ESMD)-based Progressive Denoising Approach for Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Bridge Health Monitoring Signals[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2022, 34, 11(2022): 4001-4016.
8. Wang R, Zhang T, Liu X, Lu Z, Guo T. Distance-restrained Atmospheric Parameters Correction (DR-APC) Model for GB-SAR Transmission Power Attenuation Compensation in Bridges Dynamic Deflection Measurement[J]. Measurement, 2022, 205(2022):112192.
9. Liu X, Zhao S, Wang P, et al. Improved Data-Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification with Autocorrelation Matrix Modal Order Estimation for Bridge Modal Parameter Extraction Using GB-SAR Data[J]. Buildings, 2022, 12(2): 253.
10. Wang R, Zhang J, Liu X*. A Most-Unfavorable-Condition Method for Bridge-Damage Detection and Analysis Using PSP-InSAR[J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 14(1): 137.
11. Liu X, Guo T, Zhang P, et al. Extraction of a Weak Flow Field for a Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Using High-Speed Background-Oriented Schlieren (BOS) Technology[J]. Sensors, 2021, 22(1): 43.
12. Liu X, Adil N, Ma X. Long-term Land Cover Change Detection Using Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study of Chang’an University, China[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2021, 33(12): 4561-4577.
13. Liu X, Wang H, Huang Y. SCBSS Signal De-noising Method of Integrating EEMD and ESMD for Dynamic Deflection of Bridges Using GBSAR [J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021.
14. Liu X, Tong X, Lu W, Liu S, Huang B, Tang P. & Guo, T. High-speed videogrammetric measurement of the deformation of shaking table multi-layer structures [J]. Measurement, 2020, 107486
15. Liu X, Jiang M, Liu Z, et al. A Morphology Filter-Assisted Extreme-Point Symmetric Mode Decomposition (MF-ESMD) Denoising Method for Bridge Dynamic Deflection Based on Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2020.
16. Wang R, Shi W, Liu X*, et al. An Adaptive Cutoff Frequency Selection Approach for Fast Fourier Transform Method and Its Application into Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(12): 731.
17. Jiang M, Liu X*, Wang H, et al. Integration of Extreme-point Symmetric Mode Decomposition and Singular Value Decomposition for Dynamic Deflection Denoising of Urban Bridges Obtained by Ground-based Microwave Interferometry[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2020, 32(12): 4471-4487.
18. Li J, Zhang X, Liu X*. Temporal Coherence Changes of Typical Urban Features Based on Sentinel-1A Data[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2020, 32(12): 4603-4614.
19. Cheng Q H, Chen Q, Wang H, Liu X*. Bridge Damage Identification by Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Blind Source Separation and Noise Reduction Technology[J]. Sensors and Materials, 2020, 32(12): 4361-4377.
20. Huang M, Wu X, Liu X*, et al. Integration of Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representation (CSG-BRep) for 3D Modeling of Underground Cable Wells from Point Clouds [J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(9): 1452.
21. Liu X*, Wang H, Huang M, & Yang W. An Improved Second-Order Blind Identification (SOBI) Signal De-Noising Method for Dynamic Deflection Measurements of Bridges Using Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR). Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(17), 3561.
22. Huang M, Wei P, & Liu X. An Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation (EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent Voxel Search for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(23), 2727,
23. Liu X.*, Su S., Ma J., & Yang W. Deformation Activity Analysis of a Ground Fissure Based on Instantaneous Total Energy. Sensors, 2019, 19(11), 2607.
24. Liu X., Huang M, Li S, & Ma C. Surfaces of Revolution (SORs) Reconstruction Using a Self-Adaptive Generatrix Line Extraction Method from Point Clouds. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(9), 1125.
25. Liu X, Wang P, Lu Z, et al. Damage Detection and Analysis of Urban Bridges Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry, and Permanent Scatterer Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS-InSAR) [J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(5): 580.
26. Liu X, Li S, Tong X. Two-Level W-ESMD Denoising for Dynamic Deflection Measurement of Railway Bridges by Microwave Interferometry[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(12): 4874-4883. 27. Tong X, Luan K, Liu X*, et al. Tri-Camera High-Speed Videogrammetry for Three-Dimensional Measurement of Laminated Rubber Bearings Based on the Large-Scale Shaking Table[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12): 1902.
28. Liu X, Lu Z, Yang W, Huang M, & Tong X. Dynamic Monitoring and Vibration Analysis of Ancient Bridges by Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry and the ESMD Method[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(5), 770.
29. Liu X, Tang Y, Lu Z, Huang H, Tong X, & Ma J. ESMD-based stability analysis in the progressive collapse of a building model: A case study of a reinforced concrete frame-shear wall model[J]. Measurement, 2018, 120, 34-42.
30. Ye Z, Tong X, Xu Y, Gao S, Liu S, Xie H, ... & Liu X. An improved subpixel phase correlation method with application in videogrammetric monitoring of shaking table tests[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,2018, 84(9), 579-592.
31. Liu X, Tong X, Ding K, et al. Measurement of Long-Term Periodic and Dynamic Deflection of the Long-Span Railway Bridge Using Microwave Interferometry[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote 2015, 8(9): 4531-4538.
32. Liu X, Tong X, Yin X, et al. Videogrammetric technique for three-dimensional structural progressive collapse measurement[J]. Measurement, 2015, 63: 87-99.
33. Liu X, Zhao X, Ding K, et al. Application of ground-based synthetic aperture radar technique for emergency monitoring of deep foundation excavation[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2015, 9(1): 096021-096021.
34. Tong X, Liu X, Chen P, et al. Integration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Three-Dimensional Mapping and Monitoring of Open-Pit Mine Areas[J]. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(6): 6635-6662.
1. 刘祥磊,王闰杰,黄祎萌,赵松雪。地基SAR桥梁监测理论与方法,科学出版社,ISBN:9787030729880。
2. 童小华,刘祥磊,陈鹏,高飒,刘世杰,卢文胜。高速视频测量理论方法与工程应用(“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目:地球观测与导航技术丛书),科学出版社,ISBN:978-7-03-060688-4。
3. 刘芳,刘祥磊,陈铮。数据缺失下的遥感影像预测模拟技术及农业应用,东南大学出版社,ISBN:978-7-564-19692-9。
4. 张学东,李颖,韩博,刘祥磊。典型形变场D-InSAR监测理论与应用研究,地质出版社,ISBN:978-7-116-11159-2
1. 刘祥磊、王培培、黄祎萌、王辉、姜孟卓。一种桥梁监测数据模态识别方法及装置,ZL2019105571416,授权日期:2022.12.20。
2. 刘祥磊、李斯楠、马静。一种桥梁动挠度降噪方法及系统,ZL2018103957126,授权日期:2021.01.01。
3. 刘祥磊、卢钊、吕京国、周命端。一种基于微波干涉的桥梁动挠度检测的方法及装置,ZL201619866252.1,授权日期:2019.05.03。
4. 刘祥磊、卢钊、马静、丁克良。高层建筑摆幅测量方法及装置,ZL2017103403690,授权日期:2019.10.18。 5. 刘祥磊, 赵西安, 张学东,庞蕾,丁克良。一种用于影像序列椭圆形人工目标点快速识别与跟踪方法,ZL 2013 1 0462387.8
6. 刘祥磊, 江涛, 马静, 庞蕾, 张学东。一种用于高速视频测量建筑物模型健康监测目标点加速度解算方法,ZL 20141 0 482638.3
7. 刘祥磊、黄祎萌、赵松雪、王辉。Bridge time series displacement signal denoising method,2021103898。
[1] 思政护航、持续改进、工研融贯:测绘类专业一化三型人才培养模式构建与实践,北京市教学成果一等奖,2021(3/15)
[2] 建筑类高校GIS专业人才培养中实践创新训练模式与方法研究,中国建设教育协会优秀教育教学科研成果二等奖,2021(2/10);
[1] 空天地运动体高精度高速视频测量关键技术与重大工程应用,上海市科技进步奖一等奖,上海市政府,2022(3/15)。
[2] 中小跨径桥梁多模式遥感协同监测和精准探伤关键技术及应用,测绘科学技术奖一等奖,中国测绘学会,2020(1/15)。
[3] 地理信息系统软件测评技术规范,华夏建设进步奖三等奖,中国建设科学技术奖励委员会,2019(4/10)。
[4] 基于多元空间环境探测的危化品事故全过程遥测预警与应急处置平台,地理信息科技进步奖二等奖,中国地理信息产业协会,2017(6/10)。
[5] 地理信息系统软件测试关键技术及示范应用,测绘科技进步奖二等奖,中国测绘地理信息学会,2017(7/10)。
[1] 2022年,国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才
[2] 2022年,中国测绘学会青年科技创新人才
[3] 2020年,全国高校GIS创新人物
[4] 2019年,北京建筑大学“优秀教师”
[5] 2018年,北京建筑大学“优秀共产党员”
[6] 2018年,北京建筑大学“学科管理先进个人”
[7] 2016年,北京建筑大学“八十周年校庆工作先进个人奖”
[8] 2015年,北京建筑大学“优秀班级导师”
[9] 2015年,北京建筑大学“本科毕业设计优秀指导教师”
[10] 2015年,第十届北京建筑大学青年教师讲课比赛优秀教案奖
[11] 2015年,北京建筑大学157net银河集团红色“1+1”暑假实践团优秀指导教师,北京建筑大学157net银河集团
[12] 2014年,北京建筑大学“优秀班级导师单项奖”
[13] 2013年,第七届全国高等学校测绘学科青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖





刘祥磊,教授、博导,1982年5月出生,汉族,山东日照人。2012年毕业于同济大学,获工学博士学位,现任157net银河集团执行院长。主要从事高精度高动态遥感探测研究,主持国家自然基金项目2项、国家重点研发计划课题1项,在Measurement、IEEE JSTARS和PE&RS等期刊发表高水平论文60余篇,其中第一/通讯作者发表SCI期刊论文30余篇,授权/公开发明专利18项(国际专利1项),出版专著4部,获省部级奖励6项,其中以第一完成人获2020年中国测绘学会测绘科学技术一等奖。入选国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才(2022)、中国测绘学会青年科技创新人才(2022)、全国高校GIS创新人物(2020),北京市青年拔尖人才培育计划(2017)等,兼任北京测绘学会副秘书长兼测绘教育委员会主任委员、中国测绘学会智慧城市工作委员会委员等。获校级“优秀共产党员”、校级“优秀班级导师”、校级“优秀毕业指导教师”、校级“学科管理先进个人”等荣誉称号。
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